red teaming

red teaming

Full-scope and multi-layered targeted (with specific goals) offensive attack simulation designed to measure how well your robotic technology can withstand an attack.

This exercise produces an accurate measure of a given robotics technology’s preparedness for remaining resilient against cyber-attacks.

Attention This type of assessment is generally performed in a black-boxed manner where Alias doesn't have access to additional resources except what's publicly available. Red teaming will look for vulnerabilities but only for those that will maximize damage and meet the selected goals.

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Why do you need robot red teaming?

Robot red teaming is a targeted offensive cyber security exercise, suitable for use cases that have been already exposed to security flaws. While robot penetration testing is much more effective at providing a thorough list of vulnerabilities and improvements to be made, a red team assessment provides a more accurate measure of a given technology’s preparedness for remaining resilient against cyber-attacks.


The output is a report that contains:


performed over the targets

(to meet predefined goals)

Simplified reproduction

instructions to replicate attacks

(required for mitigation)


over robotic technology

(identify attack sources and interests)

Provision exploits

and recommended mitigations

(for vulnerabilities)

of robot

1st step Kick-off and scope Our engineers meet your team, explain our approach and further discuss the scope to use during the assessment. 2nd step Reconnaissance and info acquisition We social engineer and finger/footprint the robot or robot component in search for evidence that allows us to determine entry points. 3rd step Weaponization and testing We test statically and dynamically your robot while we look for security flaws, determining a list of bugs that could compromise it. 4th step Cyber-intrusion and exploitation Having identified security flaws, we develop and deliver custom exploits, entering the robot and documenting it. 5th step Privilege escalation Once we've entered the robot, our engineers attempt to escalate privileges to obtain complete control. 6th step Lateral movement Robots are systems of systems, in this step we attempt to jump from one to another, growing our presence. 7th step Exfiltration With control over the robotics system we exfiltrate (extract) sensitive data including IP and other assets. 8th step Control The control step involves creating specific payloads that adapt to the robot and selectively commanding it as desired. 9th step Results and discussion Final meeting with the client where we present the results and advice on appropriate actions. Start! Get your report
1st step Kick-off and scope Our engineers meet your team, explainour approach and further discuss thescope to use during the assessment. 2nd step Reconnaissance and info acquisition We footprint and fingerprint the robot or robotcomponent in search for evidence that allowsus to determine its characteristics. 5th step Privilege escalation Once we've entered the robot, our engineers attempt to escalateprivileges to obtain complete control. 8th step Control The control step involves creating specificpayloads that adapt to the robot andselectively commanding it as desired. 7th step Exfiltration With control over the robotics systemwe exfiltrate (extract) sensitive dataincluding IP and other assets. 6th step Lateral movement Robots are systems of systems, in this stepwe attempt to jump from one to another,growing our presence. 9th step Results and discussion Final meeting with the client where we presentthe results and advice on appropriateactions. 3rd step Weaponization and testing We test statically and dynamically your robotwhile we look for security flaws, determininga list of bugs that could compromise it. 4th step Cyber-intrusion and exploitation Having identified security flaws, we developand deliver custom exploits, entering therobot and documenting it.

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